Saturday, January 7, 2012

Clockwork Prince: A Review

I love Cassandra Clare.  She writes the most excellent YA fantasy books about Shadowhunters.  Her original series The Mortal Instruments includes :City of Bones (soon to be a major motion picture), City of Ashes, City of Glass and City of Fallen Angles.  Two more books are scheduled to be in the series. I have read all four and loved each one of them.

Clare is also writing a prequel series to The Mortal Instruments called The Infernal Devices.  The first book is Clockwork Angel and this is the second Clockwork Prince:
These books are so amazing.They all very long books (400-500 pages) but the story is so compelling that I wish they were twice as long.

This is the continuation of the saga of Tessa who was betrayed by her brother and sent to England from New England to live with the Dark Sisters who abused her magical powers.  At the end of Clockwork Angel we all discovered that Jem (featured on the cover above) and Will  (who are best friends) both have very strong romantic feelings for Tessa.  In this installment these feelings are played out and I was a bit surprised at how it happened.  This book also features more of the story line from Will's perspective and we find out why he is so mean to everyone.  What type of magical creature Tessa is still remains a mystery but a lot of her past issues are resolved.

I tend to not like the middle book in a trilogy but this one was quite good.  Not a ton of action, but a lot of valuable information is gathered, as is normal in the middle.  I am very excited to see what happens next.

So it is pretty hard to write a review about a series and not spoil what happened in the first book too much and give the second book justice.  It is really good so, just read it, both of them, and the four in the other series.

5/5 stars

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