Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Ravellenic Games 2014

I really love the Olympics. I love the national pride I feel.  I love that female athletes are actually on TV.  I love that my evening plan every day is Olympics watching. I love that I get knitting time and a challenge.

I know this theme comes up often; I love a challenge.  I am a pretty active person, but I credit my activity to having goals and challenges.  Without these I am pretty much dead in the water.  So I am happy to add another challenge here and there.  With the Olympics comes the knitting challenge of the Ravellenic Games. During summer and winter games, knitters and crocheters participate in what is called the Ravellenic Games. Named after Ravelry, the site that "sponsors" the event.  As a participant, you can enter different competitions with the goal of making something (or multiple somethings) from opening ceremonies to the end of closing ceremonies.  There are different areas of competition depending on what you are making.

Two years ago for the summer Olympics, I made a sweater and some other smaller items.  That was when I only had one child and had some time off from work. This year I am making a shawl which is no small untertacking.  I am making something pretty large with some pretty thin yarn.  I seem to like to do that quite a bit. I have had the yarn for a while and I had even started a few rows, but it fell by the wayside.  Now my Color Affection and I are on good terms and making great progress, since ripping out and starting again.

In the end it will look something like this, but with different colors:

Color Affection is a popular shawl on Ravelry so many knitters have probably heard of it. It is strange, but there are famous patterns.  There are famous knitters and crocheters too.  It is a pretty amazing world out there.  I continue to be amazed by the talented people out there.

So for the next several days, I will be knitting and knitting (and knitting and knitting and knitting....) on this shawl in hopes of finishing it on or before February 23.  Of course I have two kids, two dogs and a husband to also tend to, so we will see where this goes.  Since the Olympics are in prime time, the kids are asleep for most of my viewing and knitting pleasure so that helps. Now I just need to get Stormy to sleep through the night so I am not so tired and and stay up knitting.

Are you watching the Olympics?  What is your favorite sport?  What do you do while watching?  

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

This Post is Brought to You By the Letter "D"

I am at a disadvantage.  Stormy says "da."  Yes, "da" not "ma."  It is how it goes with babies; they make "da" sounds first.  But then I got to thinking, Stormy's daddy is "Dada,"  his sister is "DeeDee" and his sitter is "Di."  I am the odd one out with "Ma."  I nurse him, wash his diapers and make his baby food.  I wake up with him at 2 am.  I knit him adorable hats (though he seems to hate hats) and sweaters.  I love him with my whole heart, but the "Ds" have it.  But I know, one day soon he will say "mamamama" and then he won't stop saying it.  

We in Central Illinois are on another snow day. We got about 5 inches of snow over night.  That is in addition to the 6-7" we got over the weekend.  This winter is the snowiest and coldest in recent memory, but I love snow.  Something about the pure whiteness is so beautiful.  And like knitting and so many other things in life, snow is a reminder that tiny little things do add up over time and can make a big difference. I also like that I work at a community college that has snow days. 

This makes 4 snow days in 2014.  This however might be the first snow day I enjoy this year.  I am using the term "enjoy" loosely here because my plans are to clean the house and get organized.  I have tons of laundry to do as well.  Then, I want to organize my knitting stash and take pictures of all the amazing things I made in January.  I was a knitting machine in January and blogged nothing.  I either have time to do stuff or write about doing stuff most days so I choose doing stuff.

How do you spend your snow days?

Once I get things organized I am going to work on getting a little someone to go "ma."