Monday, April 30, 2012

The Best Day

Today is the best day.  Why? Today is my niece's 4th birthday.  What makes it so special you ask?  Well, a year ago we didn't know if she would have a 4th birthday.  I always thought she'd beat the cancer.  I never doubted it and here she is one year later, free of disease and done with her scheduled hospital visits and treatments.

Happy Birthday, Allison. I am so very happy that today is your day. I love you so much.

 Here's to the rest of you life!!!!

In honor of my niece's birthday, I am donating to Children's Neuroblastoma Cancer Foundation  at  Please join me if you can.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Michelle! CNCF is the BEST place to donate to Neuroblastoma research!

