Thursday, August 6, 2015

Summer Tailspin

For the past week and a half I have been living solo which is great if you like eating Trix for dinner.  Husband has been away working in Missouri and my kids are at Grandma Camp.  The Grandma Camp is always a good week for Miss D, but this year, due to childcare needs, both Miss D and Stormy are up at Grandma Camp for just over two weeks. This was definitely not part of the plan for my summer of the grandparent's summer, but we are all making the best of it.

I won't lie, it has been nice to live solo for a bit (see earlier statement about Trix for dinner).  I am getting caught up on a lot of things, but I do miss my family. I have been so very busy lately that this whole summer seems to be spiraling.

I didn't mention it before, but in June we took a family vacation to Indianapolis.  We had a great first day at the zoo.


Then we went shopping at stores that we don't have around here. And that is where the crazy spiral started. Our van was broken into.  Someone smashed a window and took our DSLR camera.

It was a horribly violating experience.  Someone has all the nice pictures from the trip.  Someone made my family's vacation one we will never forget for all the wrong reasons. I felt icky for days and days.

We continued our planned stay after the break in.  Staying positive for the children and for our own sake's as well.

The kids and I went to the Indianapolis Children's Museum the following day while Husband got the van's window replaced.


As we drove to Indianapolis, we made big plans for the rest of the summer, but on the way home from Indianapolis we gave up on most of those plans. I definitely went into a funk.

We still had fun this summer, but it wasn't the summer I planned.

We went to the Wildlife Prairie Park Olde English Faire.


We went to the Heart of Illinois Fair.


We celebrated Stormy turning 2 years old.


I completed two triathlons and the Bix 7.


I knitted and spun a bit.




In just eleven days, school will start, I will have a second grader, and summer will be over. This blog post has really been a catharsis and I am glad I decided to share. Although it was not the summer I planned, we ended up having a good time.  I just hope our fall doesn't start our like our summer.

How was your summer?